05 Jul

Because of their attractive color and spiritual and healing benefits, Turquoise, or Firoza Ratna, is among the highly cherished colored gemstones that are often used in jewelry these days. The magical properties of turquoise are no less potent than those of more precious stones like diamonds and sapphires, even though turquoise is much less expensive. Continue reading this article to learn more about this beautiful birthstone of December month, including its place of origin, chemical and physical properties, and advantages of wearing.


Turquoise is Iran's national gemstone, and Iran is the largest producer of this stone, with the highest quality. Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tibet, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, and the United States are among those few countries where Firoza is mined. Due to their chalky and porous nature, the stones extracted in these nations are not all ideal for gem quality. 


Cut: Turquoise cabochons are very popular. The dome shape effectively highlights the color, texture, and matrix of turquoise. Manufacturers also make raw turquoise into beads for necklaces and small, flat pieces that can be worn on their own.

Color: A Real Turquoise (Firoza) Stone can be in any shade of blue to green. The bright medium blue is the most valued turquoise hue. But some buyers like a greenish-blue hue while some designers deliberately desire lime green turquoise. 

Clarity: The genuine turquoise stone can be semi-translucent or opaque and generally light to medium color. It could have matrix veins flowing through it. Spiderweb turquoise has tiny matrix seams that create lovely web-like patterns.

Carat: Turquoise comes in a variety of sizes; however, huge pieces with no apparent matrix are uncommon. Native Indian turquoise jewelry comes in many shapes and sizes. Carvings of large sizes have become more popular.

Spiritual Meaning

When it comes to crystals’ power, turquoise, or Firoza Stone, is up there with the most spiritual of the lot. As a result, someone's latent psychic powers are heightened, the impulse is sharpened, and perspective is expanded. It is often utilized in casting rituals, and when put on the neck, it negates the force of previous vows or promises that aren't serving us anymore. It is often used to remove bad energy from the aura and harmonize chakra energies with the subtle body's seven levels. 


Turquoise's physical qualities are essential for its identification. More than half of the turquoise we find is discovered in nodules and rocks that host them, either as veins or thin crusts. With a chemical formula of CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O, Turquoise has Mohs scale hardness of 5–6. Colorful, vein-like threads may be seen flowing over the surface of a turquoise stone. Matrixes may influence the hue and durability of a stone.

Benefits of Wearing Turquoise (Firoza) Gemstone

Turquoise is an amazing healing stone. Astrologers endorses it as a purifying stone; that you should have in your life. It will efficiently expel lousy energy and protect you from toxins and other unwanted effects from the outer world. If you are feeling depressed or if you are having panic attacks, you may benefit from the supernatural healing properties of a Natural Turquoise Stone. Besides helping you to improve your psychic powers, Firoza can also aid you reach your goals by promoting self-realization in all areas of your life. 

Who Should Wear Firoza

According to Vedic astrology, owners of Sagittarius, Pisces, and Aquarius zodiac signs should wear this gemstone. It is the very popular birthstone of December month. Thus it is best recommended to the people born in this last month of the year. 


Turquoise prices in India range from Rs 300 to Rs 1,200 per carat.


There is a whole universe of fascinating characteristics hidden inside this peaceful blue stone. You may use turquoise as an amulet, a healing gemstone, a pretty birthstone, or as a piece of lovely jewelry. You can also buy gemstones online to make your days brighter!

Buy Certified Turquoise Gemstone Online 

In order to fetch the utmost health and astrological advantages, always prefer to buy a real Firoza stone from a reliable gemstone store. You can also visit Navratan, the online gem Bazar. It is the most trusted gemstone website where you can scroll the widest segment of certified colored gemstones online at the most reasonable price range. At Navratan, gemstones are verified by international gem testing agencies such as SSEF, GRS, GIA, IGI, and Gubelin. Here you can avail yourself of an insured shipping facility across the globe along with a hassle-free return option. Shop the premium collection of certified turquoise gemstones online. 

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